Saturday, 20 November 2010

A Poem about the World's most important book

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Yesterday I came across a poem which appeared in the first Bible to ever be printed in Scotland, in 1576. I love some of the metaphors and similes which are used to describe this book, which to me has been a constant guide throughout life. I read from it every day and endeavour to read through it all in a year. I continue to try and model my life on the principles contained within it, but have to admit to being a failure in adhering 100% to its ideals.

Here is the poem, I hope you enjoy it as much or more than I do.

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Here is the spring where waters flow,
To quench our heart of sin:
Here is the tree where truth doth grow,
To lead our lives therein:
Here is the judge that stints the strife,When men's devices fail:
Here is the bread that feeds the life
That death cannot assail.
The tidings of salvation dear,
Comes to our ears from hence:
The fortress of our faith is here,
And shield of our defence.
Then be not like the swine that hath
A pearl at his desire,
And takes more pleasure from the trough
And wallowing in the mire.
Read not this book in any case,
But with a single eye:
Read not but first desire God's grace,
To understand thereby.
Pray still in faith with this respect,
To bear good fruit therein,
That knowledge may bring this effect,
To mortify your sin.
Then happy you shall be in all your life,
What so to you befalls:
Yes, double happy you shall be,
When God by death you calls.


Although the end of this poem may seem to be rather morbid to our contemporary world-view, there was a time when many believed, as I do, (call me old-fashioned if you like), that Jesus conquered death when He died to take away our sins and bring all who believe in Him and His sacrifice to an eternal life in Heaven in His presence, to serve and worship Him. He has given me the assurance in my heart and mind that this is the great future that awaits me. There is nothing in this life that brings me greater hope than this. What or who do you believe in? What do you trust in, a successful career, a healthy bank balance, a hope in a nice legacy, a happy and comfortable retirement? Many of these things in the current situation are more than likely to prove to be false hopes, things which a mere 13 to 14 years ago were generally regarded as normal for a large proportion of the population in Europe and the USA! Now we can say we are blessed by God if we have a roof over our heads, can afford to remain warm in the Winter and have employment.

My advice to you is to take nothing for granted, recognize that life is more important than what we own, live in, drive or wear and to recognize that there is a spiritual dimension as well as a material one which is of much greater importance. No man can serve God and money. What choice have you or are you going to make in your life?


"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." ~ Joshua 1:8

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105

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